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Friday 21 February 2014

Physical Trainees Entering the Non-Physical

Physical Trainees Entering the Non-Physical

If we look at the world from the SSOA-perspective we see humanity at the bottom of the awareness pit, slowly rising from it to reach for levels of awareness that used to be part of our ancestry. A logical consequence of this approach is that much lies dormant and unaware in our fields. Starting off with the intent to ascend, one could gradually gain access to this ancient information on how to sustain a body that can vibrate at a higher level of awareness, or to speak in SSOA-terminology, that has 'mastered certain DNA-strands' in the physical.
Many of us would have such low levels of awareness that soul hardly has anything to resonate with. In these lower vibratory bands our energy fields would look like energetic sieves at best. We would be losing chi to virtually everybody around us, nearly all of the time. At unconscious levels we would be stealing and robbing each other's fields almost constantly: vying for chi, information, grid work, and always we would be quite active in dumping karma, curses, hexes, spells and 'bad dreams' into the fields of the people around us.
As if this weren't sad enough, there would be a lot more going on in those unconscious realms, which would be rather etheric or even non-physical. Not only are our own unconscious parts doing all kinds of things that we wouldn't really be proud of, we would be under the constant attack of all kinds of non-physical beings that turn out to be quite dependent on our physical energy sources, our bodies. Especially our chakra-systems and our etheric bodies would be like life-saving chocolate for many non-physical forces like the ones that Mila termed 'false gods', 'false Tao', the mahatma planes and even many personality entities or soul-fragments would love to drink from our chi-batteries (see 'Mahatma Blues' and 'Corrupt Light Bodies' for example)
Fortunately we have our ascension process which gives us the opportunities to rise out of this mess by gradually increasing our level of awareness, meaning that we can get a hold on all those ways that chi is stolen, karma is dumped, chakra's are shattered, dreams and light bodies are stolen. We can learn about the ways these mechanisms seem to work, resulting in ways to reduce the adverse effects that used to debilitate humanity during many, many millenia.
Ascending implies the ingrowth of non-physical awareness into the physical realms. More soul would enter the physical body, which could only happen if the body adapts to be able to hold the accompanying higher vibrations. In a sense the physical is transforming itself to become more aware of all those realms that have been out of reach for so long.
The physical awareness, closely tied to the vibratory level of the physical body, would have something special, that those who 'merely' exist in the non-physical don't have, namely the possibility to bridge the physical and the non-physical in one awareness. In some SSOA-articles we can read about the possibility that the physical in some sense feeds the non-physical. If we would be able to combine both the physical and non-physical planes in our body, we would have our own 'food' so to speak. We would not need to be dependent on others (at least from certain stages in the process onwards) for our sustenance.
That's one interesting aspect of our human, physical ability. Another fascinating aspect would be that we would be able to 'direct' the non-physical. As long as we 'direct' within the boundaries of true law, the non-physical would need to comply. Can you imagine the faces of many of these non-physical forces who had been the parasites of our bodies for ages, witnessing the increasing number of people who raise their physical awareness to such a degree that they start to enter their territories, and they have got their physicality to back them up.
I have begun to think that our physical bodies provide an enormous source of energy and a powerful base which can be used to strongly enter the non-physical realms. I guess this physical bagage (and the accompanying verbal abilities) is about the best thing one can have to start clearing up the mess that has been made by both the physical and the non-physical.
This physical wave that would tsunami into the non-physical realms as a part of the ascension process of Earth and humanity amongst others, could be a major cleaning wave which would continue to cleanse the lower etheric realms, reaching up the dimensions as time and awareness moves on.
Before we really reach this state quite a lot needs to be done. But I would like to gather a number of people who feel like participating in this cleansing physical wave into the non-physical by ascending their bodies as far as their genes allow them to and by closely monitoring what they encounter during the ride.
I would like to propose a structural approach with all tools that have proven to be useful in the non-physical easily available for all those interested in this endeavor into the non-physical, this endeavour into the unconscious realms, not only of yourself, but of humanity to deal with the ones that have manipulated humanity in the past until now.
I don't think it is the time to sit on your own discoveries too long, for I think we need ascending people who can share their discoveries to others, so that we can map out the non-physical, step by step.
In a way we all are nothing more than physical trainees into the world of the non-physical. We would be trying to grasp the rules that are played down there, not with the intention to play along, but to bend the rules in the direction of true law, to break down the age of non-physical manipulation and contribute to a healthy and sound Tao-inhalation. If we would have fallen to be the lowest and lowest of Tao's creation, it is time to get our act together and start to show that we are part of a species that we can become proud of again.
I would like to propose an approach in which many 'logical' questions are posed, that deal with this possible physical wave into the non-physical planes. Perhaps a new vocabulary needs to be developed to help us turn from trainees into specialists.
Somehow I have not been gifted with tons of etheric visions or any clearly channeled messages. I haven't seen or heard anything out of the ordinary during my process through my senses. The only way I know how to get into contact with my and other unconscious aspects is through the swinging of my pendulum.
I have often wondered that even though I would have evolved as far as I would have in this ascension process that I still don't get any out-of-the-ordinary-visions of the etheric realms. I have come to the conclusion that perhaps my role in all this, is to represent the some 'extremely' physical perspective, in which the perspective just slowly changes without hardly realizing it, without much telepathic contact with other non-physical entities. This gives me the opportunity to stay grounded and not get carried away too much.
To start off with this new chapter in this exploring section, I've got some preliminary areas for scrutiny. I would like to invite every (preferably ascending) person to contribute their thoughts on these matters.
  • What can be said about the interaction between physical awareness of 3000+ (100% physical) in combination with the light bodies of people who have grown less strands into the physical?
  • What are the dynamics of actually participating into the dreamtime dreams of other people whom you are familiar with?
  • Once you have reached 7500+ (etherically) you would have three light bodies. How do they interact with your conscious physical awareness?
  • Some dreams are symbolic. Who or what creates these symbolic dreams? Are aspects of your dreamtime bodies responsible for them, or is your oversoul or source responsible, or are there shifts in symbolic dream creators? Do these change during the ascension process?
  • Can we learn something from the ones who study dreamtime planes through Out of Body Experiences or through lucid dreaming? Or are they primarily focused on the astral planes, which would be in the process of being gradually removed?
  • Can we think of intentions that can be useful in the further exploration of these dreamtime planes?
  • Can we develop easy-to-use tools for people who are in the earlier stages of ascension: some kind of manual, with say, advice like: try to intend to return the stolen gridwork, information and chi of your chakra's at least once a day. Perhaps it can be written in such a way that it becomes accessible for less spiritually minded people.

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